Sunday, October 4, 2009

Busy Busy BUSY

I have been up here at school for a couple of weeks. So when I signed up for school I thought it would be a good idea to take 18 credits. Well I have definitely learned how to work hard. I have been waking up every morning at 7AM, going running, doing scripture study, leave for classes, and do homework until 7PM if I am lucky. I am on my ward's Frisbee team and I also take a mountaineering class where I am gone every weekend to go hike up a huge mountain! I also teach a class called Abs That Rock on Monday and Wednesday nights at 10. An hour of nothing but abs! I am not complaining at all! I love being busy and feeling like I have accomplished something at the end of the day. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but if I am doing all the right things I know that everything is going to work out, and it ALWAYS does!

So this last weekend we went on a hike called Bell Mountain and the weekend before was Teewinot. There is this boy in my class, we will call him Jimmy. Well Jimmy is a little slower and bigger. We go on hikes that are HARD. Whenever we would get to some harder stuff I noticed that Jimmy would fall quite a ways behind. A couple of friends and I would stay behind with him and help him through it. I have never seen someone more commited and hard working than he was. Jimmy had a brain tumor and also had cancer. I did not know this when I started hiking up this trail. It was amazing to see him litterally pull himself up rocks through snow and bleeding cuts. He truly was an inspiration. Half way up Teewinot he decided to stay behind and let us go up to the top. Well while waiting down there another couple came up and the girl didn't want to go to the top either. She stayed down where Jimmy was. Jimmy was able to have a gospel discusion with this girl and shared his testimony with her. It is amazing to see how nothing can get Jimmy down and he is still able to share his testimony with others. NEVER once in any of the hard hikes did I ever hear Jimmy complain about anything! I need to be more like him.

Here are some pictures:

This is Teewinot. We started at the trail in the corner and went to the very top

On top of Teewinot, that's the Grand in the background!

Bell mountain at sunset

Sunset on Bell mountain

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I'm digging all this hiking action. Ok Ya I saw your picture? In the Hart? I think, so I'm glad to know that you teach abs that rock and I'm guessing you have rock hard abs. Been to the class before and about died! Those things are fun. good luck with your busy semester!
