Saturday, September 19, 2009

Table Rock overnighter!

I am in a mountaineering class and yesterday we went on a hike by the Teton Mountain range up a trail called Table mountain. We slept out on top for a night! The view was amazing! We hiked up for 7 hours and got up to the top just before the sun went down. We all got on our warm clothes and made our dinners. After eating we got in bed and our teacher read us the most depressing bedtime story ever... Everyone on the mountain climb died. Good way to start off the freezing night i know! Well we fell asleep for a little while and then our tarp randomly flew off. Well Dustin and I were wide awake so we ended up talking for a couple hours while eating starburts! Rick came in and out of sleep... supposedly a mouse was trying to steal his hat! Well we fell asleep eventually and the next thing I knew it was just before sunrise! It was amazingly beautiful! After breakfast we practiced sliding in the snow with ice axes and then practiced falling and stopping ourselves with the axes! Then we hiked out to inspiration point which was so inspirational! :) After we hiked down singing... yes singing the whole way! It was such a fun trip and nice to get away from the stresses of school for a night! Now to get back to work!

hiking up

Rick is so happy!

We slept on top of that flat platue

The trail and resting point!

Dustin, Jess, me and Rick

Be serious...

It looks flat... it wasn't!

Just before the top

Almost there!

Rick on the top!

We made it!

The Grand!

Me begging Rick not to sacrifice me off the cliff


Rick with his sucker

our camp... yes there was cliffs on both sides!

The scary lightning cloud, but it didn't get us!

Me in the sunset!


Shadows from the Tetons

Inspiration Point

The edge of Inspiration Point!